Walter Perdan visual artist
My presentation
I am Walter Perdan...
Walter PerdanI introduce myself: my name is Walter Perdan and I am an Italian artist who likes to work in different fields. I like interactive art and in particular I have specialized in applications with devices for augmented reality. I’m also a fan of programming, web design and information technology. I trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and I had several experiences: at first I attended the course of painting and, after that, I graduated in sculpture. At the same time, I was interested in interactive art applications with augmented reality. My final thesis is indeed made up of an interactive work, Ecotopia of art. In my website you can visit also my other interactive works at this page: interactive artworks.
In this website instead are listed all my interactive software applications, and in this blog i post some articles about interactivity and augmented reality.
Take a visit to this website and to my official portal for my art: