Interactive art: future personal development.
Art is a joke
A slice of 'Art is a joke', acrylic color on canvas, 70x50 cm, 2018.
Walter PerdanIntoduction to the question…
Interactive art is one of my interest in making art. In this article i would express an idea that i have in mind for some time. The main issue in making this kind of artworks, from my point of view, stay in the fact that one user when discover your application can not use it, because he or she is not in front of your art. Primarly because my paintings or sculpture are physical object and they can not be “sent” with a internet connection, of course, and my artworks, until this point in time, are entirely hand made. So what is the solution?
New course to my interactive art activity.
Two options exist in my opinion:
- Making artworks that the user may print with a 3d printing machine.
- Scannering an image or realizing directly a digital image.
I believe that the second option is the most easier and doable thing. Not all the people has the habit to print in 3d, a lot of easier instead downloading a picture or ordering a high resolution image with a third-party service. I want to do this because i am sure that many people that came to my page and see my interactive artworks, probaly they would try them but they can’t for obvious reasons.
My idea is to develop some artworks of interactive art with augmented reality as always, and then, in the page of the description, leave a link with a downloadable file: a pdf or a jpeg image, would be perfect to be printed. An image with limited resoultion but completely free. In the case that the collectionist is interested giving an option to buy a better or the original picture. The only restriction for the free image will be the license and the size: free license for not commercial use and the dimension will be equal to a postcard.
And so what else? Stay tuned for the next news!!